Madaripur District Information
Madaripur is a district in central Bangladesh which is a part of the Dhaka Division.Madaripur subdivision was established in 1854 under the district of Bakerganj and In 1873 it became a part of Faridpur district. Then the subdivision was turned into a district in 1984. Madaripur district consists of 4 upazilas, 57 union parishads, 550 mouzas, 3 municipalities, 27 wards, 85 mahallas and 1035 villages. The 4 upazilas are Madaripur Sadar, Kalkini, Rajoir and Shibchar.
Area: 1144 sq km.
Boundary: Madaripur district is bounded by Faridpur and MUNSHIGANJ districts on the north, BARISAL district on the south, SHARIATPUR district on the east, GOPALGANJ district on the west.
Main rivers: The PADMA, ARIAL KHAN and KUMAR.
Weather: Average maximum temparature of Madaripur is 35.8°C, minimum 12.6°C. Total rainfall is 2105 mm.
Population: 1137008. Among them male are 50.29%, female 49.71%.
Religion: Muslim 85.67%, Hindu 13.72% and others 0.61%.
Literacy rate:Average literacy 32.6%. Among them male are 40%, female 24.9%.
Main mode of transportation: Bus.
Educational institutions: There are 1 primary training institute, 1 vocational institute and17 colleges in this district. Beside these there are a lot of high schools,primary schools, kindergarten schools and madrasas.
Main occupations: Agriculture 43.74%, agricultural labourer 24%, commerce 9.93%, service 6.08% etc.
Main crops: Jute, paddy, peanut, onion, garlic, chilli, sugarcane, mustard, pulse and wheat.
Main fruits: Mango, jackfruit, banana, coconut, guava, litchi and watermelon.
Mineral resource: Pit coal.
Mills and factories:Jute mill, cotton mill, rice mill, flour mill, oil mill, biscuit factory, ice factory, cold storage and saw mills.
Main exports: Jute, jute-goods, date molasses, sugarcane molasses, cotton and betel nut.
Madaripur Town: A.R. Howlader is called as the founder of modern Madaripur.The town consists of 9 wards and 33 mahallas. The area of the town is 34.81 km² with a population of 54867. Among them male are 50.69%, female 49.31%. The density of population is 1576 per km² and the literacy rate among the town people is 66.1%.
Specialty of Madaripur:
Once Madaripur was famous for Jute business and Jute industry. A wealthy Person A.R Howlader introduced this business in Pakistan period. After the independence of Bangladesh, Government seized all large private industry and formed BJMC. It provided financial comfort to the local peoples. But just before 2000, the business started to lose its profits and reputations.
Madaripur has the best date molass (pataligur) of the country. It is also famous for sweets.
Mustard honey of this district is unique.
Important historical event the FARAIZI MOVEMENT led by Haji Shariatullah happened in this district.
Places of interest
• Madaripur Lake.
• Many other lakes in winter time with birds.
• Madaripur district’s mosque.
• District Shahid Minar.
• Bajitpur Pronabanda Temple.
• Kadambari Ganesh Pagol Temple.
• Khalia Rajaram Roy’s House.
• Mostafapur Parbat’s Garden.
• Aoliapur Neelkuti.
• Algi Kazibadi Mosque.
• Ram Mandir at Khalia.
• Senapati Dighi.
• The tomb of Shah Mazar.