Langtang Trek Diary – Day 8 (Back to Syabrubesi)

This is probably going to be the last entry in the Langtang Trek dairy. The rest two days I will be spending on the bus or doing some last minute souvenir shopping. I will probably also eat some good food, setting aside the fact that I have uric acid problem. Nothing much to write about that.
By the time I reached Syabrubesi, my toes, knees, calves, shoulders all ached with pain, but my heart was filled with joy, pride and sense of accomplishment. I HAVE DONE IT. I have completed the trek despite having bad knees!

A lot of people ask me, why go on treks? I seldom know what to answer. I guess, it’s a very obvious choice to those who have done it, and it’s very difficult to explain to other. The unbeaten path, the simple & extraordinary nature, the solitude – I love it all. And being in the mercy of one’s own physical and mental strength gives an amazing rush, which I long for I guess. The unique friendships that we make on the road is no less of feat itself. Miguel from Madrid, Gerhard from the world, Chili from France, Daniel from Australia or the guys from India, Switzerland, Finland and Nepal – all have inspired me to do better in life. “You always meet the nicest people on treks”, who always motivate you, who always share some common ideology. I miss that back home. Back home our motivations are clouded by lots of different things. But on the road, our motivation is simple – to see things not many have seen, to be where not many have been and to measure distance by time and not by kilometers. I guess, this is what I love about trekking, or traveling in general.

I understand that this might have been the last intensive trek in a while, at least till I fix my knees. Until the next time, this magnificent trail will be with me.

October 9, 2018

Read the other parts of the Langtang Trek Diary

About Irtiza

A small town kid, stuck in a big city!