Bhola District Information
Bhola is a district in south-western Bangladesh and within the Barisal Division. Bhola was elevated to a district on 1 February 1984. Before that it was a sub division. The sub-division was established under Noakhali district in 1845 and administration centre was at Amania of Daulatkhan. After that the sub-division was included in Barisal district in 1869. The sub-divisional head quarters was shifted from Daulatkhan to Bhola in 1876. The present Bhola district consists of 7 upazilas, 60 union parishads, 409 mouzas, 460 villages, 5 municipalities, 45 wards and 62 mahallas. 7 upazilas are Bhola Sadar Upazila, Burhanuddin Upazila, Char Fasson Upazila, Daulatkhan Upazila, Lalmohan Upazila, Manpura Upazila and Tazumuddin Upazila.
Area:3403.48 km².
Boundary: Bhola district is bounded by Lakshmipur and Barisal districts to the north, Bay of Bengal to the south, Lakshmipur and Noakhali districts, Meghna (lower) river and Shahbazpur Channel to the east, Patuakhali district and Tentulia river to the west.
Distance from capital city: 118.21 kilometers (km).
Geographical Specialty: Bhola is also the largest offshore island region of Bangladesh.
Chars: Zahiruddin, Patila, Dhalchar, Kukri-Mukri, Char Jangla etc.
Weather:Annual average temperature of this disatrict is highest 32.7°C and lowest 11.6°C. Annual rainfall is 2360 mm (1997).
Marks of War of Liberation: There is a Memorial sculpture at Char Jangla as the memory of brave Bangalies of 1971.
Population: 1676600. Among them male are 51.17%, female 48.83%.
Religion: Muslim 93.42%, Hindu 6.50%, Christian 0.02%, Buddhist 0.02% and others 0.04%.
Main occupations: Agriculture 38.74%, agricultural labourer 24.52%, business 9%, fishing 5.9%, wage labourer 4.67%,service 4.47% etc.
Literacy rate:21.47%. among them male are 25.60%, female 17.05%.
Educational institutions: This district has 3 government colleges, 18 non-government colleges, 6 government high schools, 95 non-government high schools 95 and many other government, non- government junior and primary schools.
Mineral resources: Shahbazpur Gas Field. It is situated at Kachi Union under Burhanuddin Upazila. Quantity of gas 0.5938 TCF . 0.3340 TCF gas is procurable.
Main crops: Paddy, potato, onion, chilli, garlic, mustard seed, nut, betel leaf, betel nut etc.
Main fruits: Coconut, jackfruit, papaya, amra, banana etc.
Mills and factories; Rice mill, ice factory, saw mill, flour mill, oil mill, soap factory, bread and biscuit factory, welding, lathe machine etc.
Main exports: Paddy, betel nut chilli and fish.
Places of interest: Places to see are
• Bhola Shishu Park
• Bhorhanuddin hallypath
• Monpura ( an island with Natural seenary)
Bhola Town:
Bhola town is a small Municipal town which was established in 1920.The town consists of 9 wards and 17 mahallas. It has an area of 12.16 sq km with a population of 39964. Among them male are 52.39%, female 47.61%. The literacy rate among the town people is 63.9%.
Historical events:
In 1970, a devastating cyclone and tidal bore splached this area. Many people of the district, especially of Charfasson and Tazumuddin, lost their lives at that time. During the liberation of war 1971,many battle between the freedom fighters and the Pak army occurred here. The people of this district has contribution for liberation of Bangladesh like other areas.